Disposition Tables contain information about Presidential Documents beginning with those signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt and are arranged according to Presidential administration and year of signature. The tables are compiled and maintained by the Office of the Federal Register editors.
This public resource tracks legal challenges to Trump administration actions. If you think we are missing anything, you can email us at lte@justsecurity.org. Special thanks to Just Security Student Staff Editors Anna Braverman, Isaac Buck, Rick Da, Charlotte Kahan, and Jeremy Venook, and to Matthew Fouracre and Nour Soubani. The Tracker is part of the Collection: Just Security’s Coverage of ...
Tracking Trump Administration Immigration Policies. A complete compilation of Trump 1.0 and 2.0 immigration policies -- indexed, summarized, searchable, with key source documents, and continually updated to reflect implementation and related developments.
FEC 3, 3P, and 3X. Money raised includes each of the following:. Adjusted receipts for PACs, parties, congressional filers and presidential filers; Adjusted receipts are the total receipts minus the following:. Contribution refunds; Contributions from political party committees and other political committees